Manuscript Review Procedure
1. All manuscripts received by the Editorial Board provided that they pertain to the subject matter of the Journal are peer-reviewed, upon which the Editorial Board decides whether or not to publish them in the Journal.
2. The peer review involves independent experts who are recognized experts on the subject of the reviewed materials, who have published articles in a relevant topic in the last three years.
3.The Editorial Board complies with the Publishing Ethics of the journals "Izvestiya of the Saratov University. New series". Authors, submitting a manuscript for publication, and reviewers, agreeing to review the manuscript, also undertake to comply with the specified ethical standards.
4. Papers are reviewed confidentially and anonymously (single blind review).
5. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts forwarded to them are the private property of the authors and are not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to copy the manuscripts for their own needs. Initial review usually takes one month.
6. If the review contains recommendations to improve the paper, the manuscript is sent to the author for revision. An article sent to the author for revision should be improved and returned to the Editorial Board as soon as possible. An article that has been delayed for more than three months is considered a new submission. The revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing answers to all comments of the reviewer and an explanation of all changes made to the article. Returning an article for revision does not mean that the article will be published. The revised article is sent by the Editorial Board for re-review.
7. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author has the right to give a reasoned answer to the Editorial Board. The paper can be either referred to another review or to the Editorial Board for approval. If the author refuses to modify the article, he must attach a written justification of the reason for his refusal. The final decision on publication in controversial cases is made by the Editor in Chief.
8. Taking into account the results of the peer review, the Editorial Board decides whether or not to publish the work.
9. The Editorial Board of the Journal sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials.
10. The Editorial Board sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon request.
11. Reviews are stored at the Editorial Board office for at least five years.
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