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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics
ISSN 1816-9791 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9005 (Online)
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Computer Sciences
On F^ω-projectors and F^ω-covering subgroups of finite groups
Numerical solution of first-order exact differential equations by the integrating factor method
Questions of existence and uniqueness of the solution of one class of an infinite system of nonlinear two-dimensional equations
On recovering non-local perturbation of non-self-adjoint Sturm – Liouville operator
Semi-analytical approximation of the normal derivative of the heat simple layer potential near the boundary of a two-dimensional domain
Divergent series and generalized mixed problem for wave equation
A new proof of the Krzyz conjecture for n = 3
Constructions of some secret sharing schemes based on linear codes
On semigroups of relations with the operation of the rectangular product
Global solvability of the inverse spectral problem for differential systems on a finite interval
Algorithmic search for integer Abelian roots of a polynomial with integer Abelian coefficients
On potentiality, discretization, and integral invariants of the infinite-dimensional Birkhoff systems
New integral inequalities in the class of functions (h, m)-convex
A highly accurate difference method for solving the Dirichlet problem of the Laplace equation on a rectangular parallelepiped with boundary values in C^(k,1)
Orthorecursive expansions generated by the Szego kernel
Homogeneous spaces of unsolvable Lie groups that do not admit equiaffine connections of nonzero curvature
Wasserstein and weighted metrics for multidimensional Gaussian distributions
Stability of three-layer differential-difference schemes with weights in the space of summable functions with supports in a network-like domain
On the question of the residual of strong exponents of oscillation on the set of solutions of third-order differential equations
On functions of van der Waerden type
Unitary extension principle on zero-dimensional locally compact groups
Classic and generalized solutions of the mixed problem for wave equation with a summable potential. Part I. Classic solution of the mixed problem
On the iterative method for solution of direct and inverse problems for parabolic equations
Risky investments and survival probability in the insurance model with two-sided jumps: Problems for integrodifferential equations and ordinary differential equation and their equivalence
The uniqueness of the solution of an initial boundary value problem for a hyperbolic equation with a mixed derivative and a formula for the solution
On the approximation of bounded functions by trigonometric polynomials in Hausdorff metric
Rate of interpolation of analytic functions with regularly decreasing coefficients by simple partial fractions
On estimates of the order of the best M–term approximations of functions of several variables in the anisotropic Lorentz – Zygmund space
The Riemann problem on a ray for generalized analytic functions with a singular line
On the application of the qualitative theory of differential equations to a problem of heat and mass transfer
A new approach to the formation of systems of linear algebraic equations for solving ordinary differential equations by the collocation method
Function correction and Lagrange – Jacobi type interpolation
Application of the generalized degree method for constructing solutions of the quaternion variant of the Cauchy – Riemann system
The Lezanski – Polyak – Lojasiewicz inequality and the convergence of the gradient projection algorithm
On a concrete characterization problem of universal graphic semiautomata
Kolyada inequality for partial moduli of smoothness of functions with lacunary Fourier coefficients
Representation of Green’s functions of the wave equation on a segment in finite terms
Representation of functions on a line by a series of exponential monomials
Divergent series and generalized mixed problem for a wave equation of the simplest type
Application of queueing network models in insurance
On a solution of a nondegenerate boundary value problem of Carleman type for quasiharmonic functions in circular domains
Elementary definability of the class of universal hypergraphic automata in the class of semigroups
On the continuity of some classes and subclasses of maps with an s-averaged characteristic
Forcing total outer connected monophonic number of a graph
On the solvability of a class of nonlinear Hammerstein integral equations on the semiaxis
On generation of a limit cycle from a separatrix loop of a sewn saddle-node
Stochastic model of innovation diffusion that takes into account the changes in the total market volume
On the approximation of class C(0) components of physical quantities in curved coordinate systems
Decoding algorithms for Goppa codes with errors and erasures
Uniqueness theorems for recovering the inverse image under degenerate transformations
New exact solutions for the two-dimensional Broadwell system
Binary basic splines in MRA
Harmonic analysis of functions almost periodic at infinity in Banach modules
The structure of groups with cyclic commutator subgroups indecomposable to a subdirect product of groups
Distance between strongly and weakly convex sets
Two-dimensional limit series in ultraspherical Jacobi polynomials and their approximative properties
Differential operators on graphs with a cycle
On the convergence of the order-preserving weak greedy algorithm for subspaces generated by the Szego kernel in the Hardy space
The explicit solution of the Neumann boundary value problem for Bauer differential equation in circular domains
Solutions of the Loewner equation with combined driving functions
Non-reductive spaces with equiaffine connections of nonzero curvature
Analytic embedding of pseudo-Helmholtz geometry
Reconstruction formula for differential systems with a singularity
On periodic solutions of Rayleigh equation
About the convergence rate Hermite – Pade approximants of exponential functions
Numerical solution of linear differential equations with discontinuous coefficients and Henstock integral
Quasi-polynomials of Capelli. III
On maximal subformations of n-multiple Ω-foliated formations of finite groups
The research of some classes of almost periodic at infinity functions
Subsystems and Automorphisms of Some Finite Magmas of Order k + k2
Mixed Problem for a Homogeneous Wave Equation with a Nonzero Initial Velocity and a Summable Potential
On Some Diagram Assertions in Preabelian and P-Semi-Abelian Categories
Ωζ-foliated Fitting Classes
On the Uniform Convergence of the Fourier Series by the System of Polynomials Generated by the System of Laguerre Polynomials
On Determination of Functional-Differential Pencils on Closed Sets from the Weyl-Type Function
Smooth Approximations in C[0, 1]
On the Approximate Solution of a Class of Weakly Singular Integral Equations
New Method for Investigating the Hilbert Boundary Value Problem with an Infinite Logarithmic Order Index
On Customary Spaces of Leibniz –Poisson Algebras
On Semigroups of Relations with the Operation of Left and Right Rectangular Products
The problem of optimal control for singularly perturbed system with delay with integral quadratic con-straints
On One Exceptional Case of the First Basic Three-Element Carleman-Type Boundary Value Problem for Bianalytic Functions in a Circle
On the Geometry of Three-dimensional Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces. II
On the Positive Solutions of a Model System of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
Symmetrization in Clean and Nil-Clean Rings
The External Estimate of the Compact Set by Lebesgue Set of the Convex Function
On Inverse Nodal and Spectral Problems for Boundary Value Problems with Discontinuity Conditions Inside the Interval
Structure of the inverse for the integral operator of special kind
On 2-fold completeness of the eigenfunctions for the strongly irregular quadratic pencil of differential operators of second order
Matrix representation of dilation operator on the product of zero-dimensional locally compact Abelian groups
On necessary conditions for a minimum of a quadratic functional with a Stieltjes integral and zero coefficient of the highest derivative on the part of the interval
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Solvability of the Inverse Problem for Sturm–Liouville Operators with a Nonintegrable Singularity Inside a Finite Interval
Hyperbolic Parallelograms of the Plane b H
Algorithm Variable Order, Step and the Configuration Variables for Solving Stiff Problems
Dirac System with Undifferentiable Potential and Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions
Cohomology of the Lie Algebra of Vector Fields on Some One-dimensional Orbifold
Jordan–Dirichlet Theorem for Functional Differential Operator with Involution
a-accessible Domains, a Nonsmooth Case
On a necessary condition of at least one quadratic functional with an integral Stieltjes
Solvability of Poisson's problem for Laplace operator on two dimensional stratified sets in usual sense
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