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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics
ISSN 1816-9791 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9005 (Online)
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Computer Sciences
Calculation of parameters of elastic and hyperelastic facial skin models
Asymptotic theory of the transient waves in shells of revolution at shock edge loading of the bending type
Numerical study of the hydrodynamics of supercavitation flow around an underwater body
Dynamics of P. L. Chebyshev’s paradoxical mechanism
Fused quartz imperfections and their influence on the CVG resonator dynamics
Construction and analysis of nonlinear oscillation modes of a three-link pendulum by asymptotic methods
Nonlinear statics and dynamics of porous functional-gradient nanobeam taking into account transverse shifts
Shear waves in a nonlinear elastic cylindrical shell
Investigation of mathematical model of pressure measurement system in aircraft engines
Optimisation of mechanical properties of viscoelastic structures
The “paradoxical” mechanism of P. L. Chebyshev
On renormalization of the approximate solution of the orbital coordinate system equations of orientation
Control of the rolling of a dynamically symmetrical sphere on an inclined rotating plane
Hyperbolic boundary layer in the vicinity of the shear wave front in shells of revolution
On identification of two-dimensional density of an elastic inhomogeneous cylinder
The “Planning – Modelling – Prediction” methodology for preoperative planning in trauma orthopaedics
Investigation of the influence of intersystem shunt characteristics on hemodynamic parameters and oxygen distribution
Analysis of elastic and elastoplastic models when interpreting nanoindentation results
Mathematical model of orthotropic meshed micropolar cylindrical shells oscillations under temperature effects
Asymptotic theory of the hyperbolic boundary layer in shells of revolution at shock edge loading of the tangential type
On a new approach to identifying inhomogeneous mechanical properties of elastic bodies
The asymptotic analysis of free vibrations of a cylindrical shell joined with annular plates
Forced oscillations of a three-layer plate in an unsteady temperature field
Two-dimensional Nye figures for hemitropic micropolar elastic solids
Development of aluminum matrix composite with improved mechanical properties by the directional regulation of the chemical composition of the reinforcing dispersed phase surface
On the influence of surface stresses and inertia on the natural low-frequency vibrations of an elastic ultrathin strip-beam
Natural vibration of composite elliptical cylindrical shells filled with fluid
Connectivity in a rough plane and axially symmetric contacts with a special coating
Asymptotic analysis of the axisymmetric problem for the transverse compression of a thin elastic disk in the case of mixed boundary conditions along its faces
Free vibration frequencies of prismatic thin shells
Methodology and features of a computational experiment to assess the resource of responsible engineering facilities
On asymmetrical equilibrium states of annular plates under normal pressure
Numerical modeling of the processes of deformation and buckling of multilayer shells of revolution under combined quasi-static and dynamic axisymmetric loading with torsion
On the dynamic contact problem with two deformable stamps
Relaxation of residual stresses in surface-hardened rotating prismatic elements of structures under creep conditions
Numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of osteotomies of the first metatarsal bone
Stress state near dental implants accounting bone tissues resorption
Development and approbation of a mobile test bench for mechanical uniaxial compression testing of biological tissues
Identification of two-dimensional prestress fields in inhomogeneous plates
Simulation models and research algorithms of thin shell structures deformation Part I. Shell deformation models
Kinetics of residual stresses in thin-walled cylindrical specimens after bilateral surface hardening under creep conditions with rigid constraints on angular and axial linear displacements
Passive damping of vibrations of a cylindrical shell interacting with a flowing fluid
Cylindrical shell with a circular hole under various loads: Comparison of analytical and numerical solutions
The new algorithm of quasi-optimal reorientation of a spacecraft
Influence of a polymeric infiltrant on the density of enamel white spot lesions
On the physical equations of a deformable body at the loading step with implementation based on a mixed FEM
Elastic-plastic deformation of nanoplates. The method of variational iterations (extended Kantorovich method)
Contact problem for functionally graded orthotropic strip
Dynamic thermal stability of a geometrically irregular shallow shell of constant torsion under the action of a load periodic by its time coordinate
Bending of an elastic circular three-layer plate in a neutron flux by a local load
Evaluation of the influence of white spot lesion on the mechanical properties of human tooth enamel and dentine
Influence of the modulation of the blood flow velocity in peripheral vessels on the temperature of the outer wall of the vessel: Finite element modeling of the adjoint problem
Generalized pseudotensor formulations of the Stokes’ integral theorem
Generalized model of nonlinear elastic foundation and longitudinal waves in cylindrical shells
Solution of the inverse problem of two thermomechanical characteristics identification of a functionally graded rod
Numerical study of the influence of the parameters of dispersed particles on the deposition of the solid phase of an electrically charged polydisperse gas suspension
Biomechanical support for the physician’s decision when choosing a treatment option based on quantitative success criteria
Nonlinear deformation of axisymmetrically loaded rotation shell based on FEM with different variants of definitional equations
Numerical method for calculating the stress-strain state in a prismatic surface-hardened spacemen with a notch in elastic and elastoplastic formulations
Study of the mechanical properties of carbon molecular structures in the form of multilayer graphene with vertically oriented carbon nanotubes
On differential approximations of difference schemes
Waves in a viscoelastic cylindrical waveguide with a defect
Free vibration frequencies of a circular thin plate with nonlinearly perturbed parameters
Analytical algorithm of energy and time quasioptimal turn of a spacecraft under arbitrary boundary conditions
Artificial libration points in the task of towing space debris by an ion beam
Approximation of the orientation equations of the orbital coordinate system by the weighted residuals method
Constructing the dependence between the Young’s modulus value and the Hounsfield units of spongy tissue of human femoral heads
Bounded finite-time stabilization of the prey – predator model via Korobov’s controllability function
Repeated alternating loading of a elastoplastic three-layer plate in a temperature field
Features of complex vibrations of flexible micropolar mesh panels
On the identification problem of the thermomechanical characteristics of the finite functionally graded cylinder
The flexural strength of anisotropic composite plates with free edges
Dynamic Bending of an Infinite Electromagnetoelastic Rod
The Method of Reconstruction of Residual Stresses in a Prismatic Specimen with a Notch of a Semicircular Profile after Advanced Surface Plastic Deformation
Representation of Waves of Displacements and Micro-rotations by Systems of the Screw Vector Fields
Hydroelastic Response of a Sandwich Plate Possessing a Compressible Core and Interacting with a Rigid Die Via a Viscous Fluid Layer
Single Waves in a Gas-Liquid Bubble Mixture
Mathematical Modeling of Deposits Accumulation on the Plastic Biliary Stent Surface for Predicting Its Occlusion
Influence of Convolution Kernel and Beam-Hardening Effect on the Assessment of Trabecular Bone Mineral Density Using Quantitative Computed Tomography
Unsteady Electromagnetic Elasticity of Piezoelectrics Considering Diffusion
Biomechanics of Human Carotid Artery with Pathological Tortuosity
The Problem of a Hydroelasticity for a Tube Ring-type a Profile with Elastic, Geometrically Irregular Outer Shell at Pressure Influence
Finite Element Analysis of the Influence of the Orthodontic Appliance Design on the Maxillary Expansion
Synthesis of Asymptotically Stable Motion of a Robot Arm Manipulator
Influence of slipping on viscosimetric flow of a elastoviscoplastic material between rigid coaxial cylinders
The heat conductivity in the infinite solid of the convection in a cylindrical cavity
Flow of Slibar–Paslay material in a flat channel
Application of generalized functions in dynamical contact problems of wing aeroelasaticity
Analysis of algorithms study of stability of thin-walled shells
Mathematical modelling of critical speed of the multistage core at longitudinal blow
Stress-strain State of an Elliptical Cylinder with an Ellipsoidal Bottoms of Dissimilar Materials Based FEM
Optimal filtration of matrix gaussian random processes in planes lateral motion problem
Investigation of surface roughness at micro-scale and mechanical response in the contemporary bio-polimer sutures by the nanoindentation
Covariant field equations and d-tensors of hyperbolic thermoelastic continuum with fine microstructure
Modeling of the shock system motion with impacts about hard barriers
The equilibrium equations of shells in the coordinates of the general form
About a problem of spacecraft's orbit optimal reorientation
Research of consequences of tether's jamming in the task of payload delivery from an orbit
Thermomechanical orthogonality in nonlinear type-III thermoelasticity (GNIII)
Determination of elastic characteristics of polymeric covers by results of tests of flat specimens at tension and bending
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