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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics
ISSN 1816-9791 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9005 (Online)
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Computer Sciences
Computer Sciences
ML methods for assessing the risk of fraud in auto insurance
Detection of sources of network attacks based on the data sampling
The quality improvement method for detecting attacks on web applications using pre-trained natural language models
Extraction of features in images based on integral transformations in solving problems of classification of fragments of photographs
Methods for obtaining information for biomedical monitoring of the level of oxygenation and blood pressure using built-in sensors of smartphone technology
Using parallel computing to evaluate the transport of pollutants in shallow waters
Queueing network model of a call center with customer retrials and impatient customers
Implementation of the identification and recognition system cognitive behavior of the observed
Optimization of oil field development based on a 3D reservoir model obtained as a result of history matching
Algorithm for motion detection and gait classification based on mobile phone accelerometer data
Cloud service for interactive simulation of production location
Optimal solution in the model of control over an economic system in the condition of a mass disease
Investigation of the need to use the variable value of the ballistic coefficient when modeling the trajectory of the bullet in the shooter simulator
Hierarchical risk analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle threat models
Information processing for the decision support system for fire monitoring of forest areas
Method of automatic search for the structure and parameters of neural networks for solving information processing problems
The concept of medical decision support systems in surgery of the spinal pelvic complex
Vertex extensions of 4-layer graphs and hypercubes
Impeller flowmeters as a tool for assessing blood flow in an experimental test bench
Cognitive analysis of the structural stability for the knowledge-intensive sectors of the regional economy
Assessment of the protection level of continuous production based on the Markov life cycle model
Specification of prognostic models and software implementation of a calculator for predicting a fatal outcome in a combined pelvic injury
Skill-based clustering algorithm for online job advertisements
On the functional structure of the ergatic system of precedent management of a complex production facility
What scientific folklore knows about the distances between the most popular distributions
Possibilities of using computer vision for data analytics in medicine
Dual active-set algorithm for optimal 3-monotone regression
Software implementation of ensemble models for the analysis of regional socio-economic development indicators
Analysis of technological trends to identify skills that will be in demand in the labor market with open-source data using machine learning methods
Reversion of outputs of fuzzy discrete systems
Attention based collaborative filtering
Numerical simulation of oil production using surfactant-polymer flooding
The concept of information packet interaction in a multilevel system of digital twins
Wavelet p-analogs of the discrete Haar transform
The key exchange protocol based on non-commutative elements of Clifford algebra
The search for minimal edge 1-extension of an undirected colored graph
Modeling the reliability of the onboard equipment of a mobile robot
Resource optimization in management of technical maintenance of automation and remote control systems
Construction of 3D solid vertebral models using convolutional neural networks
Generation of colored graphs with isomorphism rejection
Mathematical and computer simulation of the electrophysical properties of a multicellular structure exposed to nanosecond electrical pulses
Imitation tools for automated systems used in small arms testing
The construction of all nonisomorphic minimum vertex extensions of the graph by the method of canonical representatives
Method of Markovian summation for study the repeated flow in queueing tandem M|GI|∞ → GI|∞
Heavy outgoing call asymptotics for MMPP|M|1 retrial queue with two way communication and multiple types of outgoing calls
Output process of the M|GI|1 is an asymptotical renewal process
Multi-criteria approach to pair-multiple linear regression models constructing
Asymptotic Analysis of the MMРР|M|1 Retrial Queue with Negative Calls under the Heavy Load Condition
Analysis of Closed Queueing Networks with Batch Service
Masking of Internal Nodes Faults Based on Applying of Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions
Using the Mask-RCNN Convolutional Neural Network to Automate the Construction of Two-Dimensional Solid Vertebral Models
On a Total Resource Amounts at the System with Parallel Service and MMPP Arrivals
Heterogeneous Queueing System MR(S)/M(S)/∞ with Service Parameters Depending on the State of the Underlying Markov Chain
Performance Analysis of Elastic Traffic with Minimum Bit Rate Guarantee Transmission in Wireless Network under Network Slicing
Ternary Discrete Wavelet Basis
An Analysis Method of Open Queueing Networks with a Degradable Structure and Instantaneous Repair Times of Systems
Markov Chain States Classification in a Tandem Model with a Cyclic Service Algorithm with Prolongation
Survival Rate of Model Populations Depending on the Strategy of Energy Exchange Between the Organisms
Minimal Edge Extensions of Palm Trees
On the Error of Approximation by Means of Scenario Trees with Depth 1
The Effectiveness Analysis of Several Parallel Algorithms Based on Simulated Annealing Method of Global Optimization Problem Solving
Integrated Resource Control of Complex Man-Machine Systems
Parallel Algorithm of Optimal Parameters Calculation for the Single Channel Angular Stabilization System
The application of optimization algorithm using simulated annealing method for parallel computing systems
Optimal Eulerian modification of digraphs by addition of arcs
Numerical Modelling and the Analysis of Impact of Distortions on OFDM/QAM-signal
Heuristic algorithm for the cardinality constrained portfolio optimization problem
Differential evolution algorithm for solving the portfolio optimization problem
A Method of Routing Control in Queueing Networks with Changing Topology
Simultaneous Approximation of Polynomial Functions and Its Derivatives by Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks with One Hidden Layer N. S.
Discrete Dynamical Systems Defined Geometrical Images of Automata
On Diagnostic Experiments for Fuzzy Automata
Automata on algebraic structures
Combining de Bruijn graphs, overlap graphs and microassembly for de novo genome assembly
The ordered set of connected parts of a polygonal graph
Models of multi-criteria optimization with quality criteria
Representation of universal planar automata by autonomous input signals
Queueing networks with batch movements of customers, blocking and clusters
Identification of a state machine structure with finites fragment of behavior
On stability theory of autonomous angular stabilization system for combined dynamical systems
Characterization of graphs with a small number of additional arcs in a minimal 1-vertex extension
Analysis of closed unreliable queueing networks with batch movements of customers
On upper bound of vertex distinguishing word length on vertex labeled graph
T-irreducible extension for union of paths and cycles
Ordered automata and tolerant images of FDA
Using parallel computing technologies for modeling of metallic photonic crystals
The parallel variant of conditional optimization algorithm with Box complex method
Affine transformations of geometrical images of finite automata
Mathematical and сomputer modeling of nonlinear waves dynamics in a coaxial physically nonlinear shells with viscous incompressible fluid between them
On the Number of Additional Edges of a Minimal Vertex 1-Extension of a Starlike Tree
Recognition of a linear automaton outputs by the fuzzy outputs
Increasing of Information Reliability of Digital Systems with QAM/COFDM-Modulation
Optimization of Calculus Mesh for Cryobiology Problem Based on Multidimensional Hashing Using NumPy
Minimal vertex 1-extensions of palm trees
Principal Ideals in the Congruence Semilattice of a Path
The Application of a Genetic Algorithm to Global Optimization Problem Solving on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
On Varieties of Groupoids of Binary Relations
Abstract Characterization of Semigroups of Input Signals of Universal Planar Automata
Models of Information K-Channels with Memory
Reconstruction of a Labeled Graph by a Graph-walking Mobile Agent
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