For citation:
Chernishova E. N., Lisovskaya E. Y. On a Total Resource Amounts at the System with Parallel Service and MMPP Arrivals. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 400-410. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2020-20-3-400-410, EDN: PTIYON
On a Total Resource Amounts at the System with Parallel Service and MMPP Arrivals
In this paper, we consider a resource system with an unlimited resources and servers number, with parallel customers servicing, arriving at the system according to the MMPP. Using a combination of multidimensional dynamic screening methods and asymptotic analysis, it is proved that the joint asymptotic probability distribution of the total resource amounts converges to a bi-dimensional Gaussian distribution under conditions of increasing intensity of MMPP. The parameters of the asymptotic probability distribution are found. A numerical analysis of the approximation accuracy is carried out.
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- Simulation model of an infinitely linear system for servicing requirements of a random volume with an input flow MMP / Е. Yu. Lisovskaya, S. P. Moiseeva, M. Pagano; copyright holder National Research Tomsk State University (RU). No. 2017612202; declared 17.03.2017; register in the Register of computer programs 12.05.2017 (in Russian).
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