For citation:
Gamayunova V. O., Bogomolov A. S., Kushnikov V. A., Ivashchenko V. A. Multi-agent modeling of evacuation from premises with consideration of agent collisions. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2025, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 106-115. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2025-25-1-106-115, EDN: TLQGGD
Multi-agent modeling of evacuation from premises with consideration of agent collisions
The article proposes a software implementation of a developed multi-agent model for the evacuation of people of various age groups from premises of a complex shape. The model is distinguished by the possibility of taking into account the physical collisions of agents, their age dimensions in accordance with the methods from the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia from 2022. The behavior of agents is based on a purposeful desire to exit. At the same time, in the event of congestion, they can wait until a place for movement is vacated. To simulate the collisions of agents with each other and with obstacles, we use the model of partially elastic impact. We carried out a series of experiments for different age groups: children, teenagers, adults and mixed groups. The total evacuation time from the premises was calculated and averaged for each age group. The program provides an opportunity to visualize the process of evacuation of people, set their initial arrangement randomly or manually. We compared the obtained results with the data of a similar experiment using the methods from the order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of 2009. The comparison showed that in this experiment, children and teenagers are evacuated at about the same speed. However, a group of adults reaches the exit faster. The results of the comparison suggested that the features of the multi-agent approach used, taking into account the ability of agents to expect an exit, make it possible to increase the degree of organization of the modeled behavior of the group. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the evacuation time (more than twice for 100 people). The obtained and promising results of the project are intended for use in the development of digital twins of evacuation processes from commercial and public premises.
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