For citation:
Egorov S. F., Vdovin A. Y. Investigation of the need to use the variable value of the ballistic coefficient when modeling the trajectory of the bullet in the shooter simulator. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 253-263. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2023-23-2-253-263, EDN: IXKNHK
Investigation of the need to use the variable value of the ballistic coefficient when modeling the trajectory of the bullet in the shooter simulator
When developing electronic shooting simulators for manual automatic weapons that do not use ammunition, it is necessary to achieve the maximum realistic modeling of the bullet flight path for each shot taking into account a set of factors. Traditionally, a system of differential equations of outer ballistics is used in modeling the trajectory. The use of a constant value of the ballistic coefficient in such a mathematical model does not allow to achieve high accuracy of modeling the trajectory for such important for solving the “task of the meeting” parameters as complete flight time and excess of the trajectory for all targeted range of small arms. The initial values in the mathematical model based on the system of differential equations of the outer ballistic are the casting angle (depends on the settings of the sight), the initial speed and the ballistic coefficient of the bullet, and such parameters as the current excess, range, time, speed and direction are calculated. Estimates of the errors of the calculation of the coordinates of the ballistic trajectory at various approaches to the use of the value of the ballistic coefficient are given. It is concluded that at the moment when modeling the flight trajectory of the bullet, simplification based on the use of a constant value of the ballistic coefficient is quite justified but with the relevant requirements of the tactical and technical task the study of ways to increase the accuracy of the trajectory modeling will become relevant. One of these paths is using the value of the ballistic coefficient, depending on the casting angle proposed in this article.
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