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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics
ISSN 1816-9791 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9005 (Online)
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Computer Sciences
On necessary conditions for a minimum of a quadratic functional with a Stieltjes integral and zero coefficient of the highest derivative on the part of the interval
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Solvability of the Inverse Problem for Sturm–Liouville Operators with a Nonintegrable Singularity Inside a Finite Interval
Hyperbolic Parallelograms of the Plane b H
Algorithm Variable Order, Step and the Configuration Variables for Solving Stiff Problems
Dirac System with Undifferentiable Potential and Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions
Cohomology of the Lie Algebra of Vector Fields on Some One-dimensional Orbifold
Jordan–Dirichlet Theorem for Functional Differential Operator with Involution
a-accessible Domains, a Nonsmooth Case
On a necessary condition of at least one quadratic functional with an integral Stieltjes
Solvability of Poisson's problem for Laplace operator on two dimensional stratified sets in usual sense
Modification of new approach to solution of the Hilbert boundary value problem for analytic function in multi-connected circular domain
About numerical range of semigroup's generator
Dynamic load allocation in closed queueing networks with batch movements
The intrinsic geometry of almost contact metric manifolds
Cohomology of Lie algebra of vector fields on S1/Z2
Acts and partial acts over semilattices
Determination of the Boundary in the Local Charzynski–Tammi Conjecture for the Fifth Coefficient
To a Solution of the Inhomogeneous Riemann–Hilbert Boundary Value Problem for Analytic Function in Multiconnected Circular Domain in a Special Case
A U-set for system of character of the zero-dimensional group under convergent over cubes
The problem of Leont'ev on entire functions of completely regular growth
Wiener's theorem for periodic at infinity functions
On verification of Brauer's theorem concerning Artin's L-functions of number fields
Mathematical model of dynamic chaos
Algorithm of integrating stiff problems using the explicit and implicit methods
The conditions of invertibility of a class nonselfadjoint operators
A direct method of stochastic optimization
Mathematical modelling of loss of stability of system of step and homogeneous cores at blow about the rigid barrier Tymoshenko's method
Oval lines of the hyperbolic plane of positive curvature
Lebesgue functions for Haar system on compact zero-dimensional group
Refined asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Dirac system with nondifferentiable potential
Almost contact metric structures defined by connection over distribution with admissible Finslerian metric
The theorem on existence and uniqueness of the solution of one boundary value problem in strip for degenerate elliptic equations of higher order
The correctness of the Dirichlet problem in the cylindric domain for equation Laplase
Approximation of Bounded p-variation Periodic Functions by Generalized Abel–Poisson and Logarithmic Means
Uniqueness of recovering arbitrary order differential operators on noncompact spatial networks
On idempotents of algebra of Boolean matrices
Three-element problem of Carleman type for bianalitic functions in a circle
Frames and periodic groups of operators
Integral operator with kernel having jumps on broken lines
On spectrum of some classes of matrix operators
An Analogue of the Jordan–Dirichlet Theorem for the Integral Operator with Kernel Having Jumps on Broken Lines
Projective and injective descriptions in the complex domain. Duality
Asymptotic properties and weighted estimation of polynomials, orthogonal on the nonuniform grids with Jacobi weight
On an inverse problem for differential operators on hedgehog-type graphs
About harmonic analysis of periodic at infinity functions
Parabolic parallelograms of the plane Ĥ
Mixed problem for simplest hyperbolic first order equations with involution
Well-posedness of the Dirichlet problem in a cylindrical domain for multidimensional elliptic-parabolic equation
On a Number of Prime Divisors of an Integer with Bounded Multipleness
New Properties of Varieties of Leibnitz Algebras
On the Properties of Boolean Matrices
Solution of partial differential equations by the Ryabenky method
On Heredity of Formations of Monounary Algebras
Distribution of Values of Dirichlet Characters in the Sequence of Shifted Primes
On the class of exponentially growing sequences that are not uniformly distributed modulo one
Integrals of the Loewner equation with exponential driving function
About generating set of the invariant subalgebra of free restricted Lie algebra
Parameters Recovering Algorithm for One Class of Irrationalities
On the A. V. Mikhalev’s Problem for Lie Algebras
On a Particular Equivalent of Extended Riemann Hypothesis for Dirichlet L-functions on Numerical Fields
An Estimate of a Certain Summatory Functions Class
Approximation Polynomials and Dirichlet L-functions Behavior in the Critical Strip
On Universality of Certain Zeta-functions
On Combinatorial Problem, Related with Fast Matrix Multiplication
Congruences of Acts over Groups
On Congruence Lattices of Direct Sums of Strongly Connected Commutative Unary Algebras
On Conditions for Distributivity or Modularity of Congruence Lattices of Commutative Unary Algebras
Some Questions of Number-theoretical Method in Approximation Analysis
On an Additive Problem with Squarefree Numbers
Arithmetic Properties of Generalized Fibonacci Sequence and Their Consequences
On Classes of Groupoids of Relations with Diophantine Operations
Semisimple Graded Rings
Mathematical life of G. I. Arkhipov
To the Problem of the Integrity of the Artin’s L-functions
Inverse problem for Sturm–Liouville operator on the half-line having nonintegrable singularity in an interior point
Necessary and sufficient conditions of belonging to the Besov–Potapov classes and Fourier coefficients with respect to multiplicative systems
Systems of Scales and Shifts in the Problem Still Image Compression
On Divergence Almost Everywhere of Fourier Series of Continuous Functions of Two Variables
Convexity of Bounded Chebyshev Sets in Finite-dimensional Asymmetrically Normed Spaces
Inverse Spectral Problem for Discrete Operators in Topological Spaces
Affine Systems of Walsh Type. Orthogonalization and Completion
Quadratic Hermite – Padé Approximants of Exponential Functions
Remarks on Fagnano Problem
On the Solutions of Multi-dimensional Clairaut Equation with Multi-homogeneous Function of the Derivatives
Solution of Algebraic Equations by Continuous Fractions of Nikiportsa
On Uniform Boundedness of Some Families of Integral Convolution Operators in Weighted Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces
Discrete Transform with Stick Property Based on {sinx sinkx} and Second Kind Chebyshev Polynomials Systems
Some Special Two-dimensional Series of {sinx sinkx} System and Their Approximation Properties
The Intermediate Case of Regularity in the Problem of Differentiation of Multiple Integrals
Orthogonal Basis of Shifts in Space of Trigonometric Polynomials
New Properties of Almost Nilpotent Variety of Exponent 2
The Gradient Methods for Solving the Cauchy Problem for a Nonlinear ODE System
Approximation of the Riemann–Liouville Integrals by Algebraic Polynomials on the Segment
Approximation of Functions by Fourier–Haar Sums in Weighted Variable Lebesgue and Sobolev Spaces
Approximation of Functions in Symmetrical and Connected Holder Spaces by Linear Means of Fourier–Vilenkin Series
On Differential Operator in Compact Zero-dimensional Groups
Numerical Solution of Inverse Spectral Problems for Sturm–Liouville Operators with Discontinuous Potentials
On an Approach to Approximate Solving of the Problem for the Best Approximation for Compact Body by a Ball of Fixed Radius
Asymptotic Values of Analytic Functions Connected with a Prime End of a Domain
Synthesis in the Polynomial Kernel of Two Analytic Functionals
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