For citation:
Tyuleneva A. A. Approximation of the Riemann–Liouville Integrals by Algebraic Polynomials on the Segment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 3, pp. 305-311. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2014-14-3-305-311, EDN: SMSJWF
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Approximation of the Riemann–Liouville Integrals by Algebraic Polynomials on the Segment
Tyuleneva Anna Anotol'evna, Saratov State University
The direct approximation theorem by algebraic polynomials is proved for Riemann–Liouville integrals of order r>0. As a corollary, we obtain asymptotic equalities for ε-entropy of the image of a Hölder type class under Riemann–Liouville integration operator.
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