For citation:
Gorelik A. V., Orlov A. V., Speranskiy D. V. Resource optimization in management of technical maintenance of automation and remote control systems. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 379-389. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2021-21-3-379-389, EDN: OCSHTJ
Resource optimization in management of technical maintenance of automation and remote control systems
The article considers the topical problem of resource optimization during the maintenance process of technical systems. In order to illustrate the methodology (URRAN) developed by Russian Railways JSC to solve this problem, automation and remote control systems are used as an example. Due to a total lack of resources and the infinite needs, the company faced the challenge of improving the efficiency of maintenance and repair of railway automation and remote control systems. The main difficulties in solving this problem in the context of limited financial resources are also associated with their sometimes irrational allocation and insufficient quality of technical maintenance of the automation and remote control infrastructure. The current approaches to resource management are not always effective. To improve the efficiency of resource and risk management and analysis of the reliability of transport infrastructure facilities, the methodology URRAN, that minimizes costs of the life cycle of devices and systems, has been developed. Such minimization can be achieved through the accurate mathematical formulation of optimization problems, the development of methods for their solution and the creation of appropriate software modules. The article formulates a number of optimization problems, the solution of which will improve the functioning of the automation and remote control facilities. In addition, the possible approaches for the effective solution of the formulated problems are proposed.
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