For citation:
Shindyapin G. P., Matutin A. A. The Analysis of Conditions of a Refraction of a Shock Wave with Education of a Wave of Underpressure or the Reflected Shock Wave. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2007, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 74-77. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2007-7-1-74-77
The Analysis of Conditions of a Refraction of a Shock Wave with Education of a Wave of Underpressure or the Reflected Shock Wave
Conditions of a refraction of a shock wave are considered, at interaction of a flat shock wave with a free surface dividing gas and Gas-liqiud (bubble) medium. The analysis of fluxions with the help of the asymptotic theory of the short waves using locally fixed-ratio thermodynamic model газожидкостной of a medium, reduces in an establishment of fields of existence of conditions of a refraction: non-regular, the regular with a suction wave; the regular, education of the shock wave closing a zone of underpressure; the regular with the reflected shock wave. For the parameter describing efficiency of a refraction, surfaces in space of parameters of a similarity (αν , cγ , L), describing boundaries of fields of existence of conditions of a refraction with a suction wave and field of existence for a refraction with the reflected shock wave built.
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