For citation:
Bazhenov V. G., Osetrov D. L., Ryabov A. A. The Construction of the Deformation Diagrams of Metals and Alloys at Impact Compression of Tablet Specimens with Friction Forces Consideration. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 381-389. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9791-2018-18-4-381-389, EDN: YSUCVF
The Construction of the Deformation Diagrams of Metals and Alloys at Impact Compression of Tablet Specimens with Friction Forces Consideration
The influence of friction forces on the dynamic deformation of elastoviscoplastic tablet specimens was numerically and experimentally investigated. The main dependencies of their shape changing for metals and alloys have been established. Acriterionof the shape chang in gof tablet specimen sisproposed. Anewmethod foridentify ingof the coefficient sof dry frictionat contact surfaces, depending on shape changing of the tablet specimens, based on numerical modeling of an axisymmetric dynamic problem and a rapidly convergent method of success iveapproximations was developed.The division of the two-parameter identification problem into two problems of one-parameter parameterization is theoretically justified with a high degree of reliability: the problem of determining of the friction coefficient and the problem of construction of the true diagram of dynamic deformation in this experiment with the friction coefficient found earlier. As a result, the dynamic deformation diagrams with frictional forces and radial inertia consideration are constructed using the iterative method. In known approximation methods of construction of the deformation diagrams with frictional forces and radial inertia consideration, friction coefficients are assumed to be known, whereas methods for their determination in experiments with impact compression are practically unavailable.
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