Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1816-9791 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9005 (Online)


SidorovSP's picture
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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Sidorov S. P. Shape-Preserving Linear n-width of Unit Balls in C[0, 1]
Sidorov S. P. The Error of Approximation of Differentiable Functions of Several Variables by Means of Interpolatory Shape-Preserving Operators
Khromov A. P., Kossovich L. Y., Sidorov S. P. ХРОНИКА НАУЧНОЙ ЖИЗНИ
Khomchenko A. A., Mironov S. V., Sidorov S. P. Heuristic algorithm for the cardinality constrained portfolio optimization problem
Grishina N. P., Sidorov S. P. Differential evolution algorithm for solving the portfolio optimization problem
Sidorov S. P., Zakharova E. A. On the Error of Approximation by Means of Scenario Trees with Depth 1
Golubov Б. И., Kashin B. S., Kossovich L. Y., Sidorov S. P., Khromov A. P., Chumachenko A. Н. 18th International Saratov Winter School “Contemporary Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications”
Prokhorov D. V., Dudov S. I., Zakharov A. M., Poplavskii V. B., Rozen V. V., Sidorov S. P. In Memory of Alexandr Yu. Vasiliev
Golubov Б. И., Kashin B. S., Kossovich L. Y., Sidorov S. P., Khromov A. P., Chumachenko A. Н. 19th International Saratov Winter School “Contemporary Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications“
Faizliev A. R., Khomchenko A. A., Sidorov S. P. Empirical Analysis of Algorithms for Solving the Index Tracking Problem
