Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, part 2
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Computer Sciences
Abrosimov M. B.
Characterization of graphs with a small number of additional arcs in a minimal 1-vertex extension
Andreichenko K. P.
On stability theory of autonomous angular stabilization system for combined dynamical systems
Bogomolov S. A.
Identification of a state machine structure with finites fragment of behavior
Mitrophanov Y. I., Dolgov V. I., Rogachko E. S., Stankevich E. P.
Queueing networks with batch movements of customers, blocking and clusters
Sergushichev A. A., Aleksandrov A. V., Kazakov S. V., Tsarev F. N., Shalyto A. A.
Combining de Bruijn graphs, overlap graphs and microassembly for de novo genome assembly
Vasilenko D. V., Karandashov M. V., Tyapaev L. B.
Discrete Dynamical Systems Defined Geometrical Images of Automata
Uzentsova N. S.
Simultaneous Approximation of Polynomial Functions and Its Derivatives by Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks with One Hidden Layer N. S.
Fokina N. P., Tananko I. E.
A Method of Routing Control in Queueing Networks with Changing Topology