Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2025, vol. 25, iss. 1
- 323 reads
Krasnoschekikh G. V., Volchkov V. V.
A uniqueness theorem for mean periodic functions on the Bessel – Kingmann hypergroup
Molchanov V. A., Farakhutdinov R. A.
On structure of isomorphisms of universal graphic automata
Rasulov K. M., Nagornaya T. R.
A method for solving the Poincare boundary value problem for generalized harmonic functions in circular domains
Zhiltsov K. N., Tyryshkin I. M., Ischenko A. N., Diachkovskii A. S., Chupashev A. V.
Numerical study of the hydrodynamics of supercavitation flow around an underwater body
Kirillova I. V.
Asymptotic theory of the transient waves in shells of revolution at shock edge loading of the bending type
Muslov S. A., Arutyunov S. D., Sukhochev P. Y., Chizhmakov E. A.
Calculation of parameters of elastic and hyperelastic facial skin models
Computer Sciences
Gamayunova V. O., Bogomolov A. S., Kushnikov V. A., Ivashchenko V. A.
Multi-agent modeling of evacuation from premises with consideration of agent collisions
Ganigin S. Y., Davydov A. N., Nechaev A. S., Kiyashchenko V. V.
Development and analysis of an algorithm for detecting multiple instances of an object in microscopic images using numerical methods