Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 1

Issues 1 and 2 are dedicated to the birthday anniversary of our editor-in-chief, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor L. Yu. Kossovich. They contain articles by leading mechanical scientists. Issue 1 also includes an article about the anniversary celebrant.
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Babeshko V. A., Uafa S. B., Evdokimova O. V., Babeshko O. M., Telyatnikov I. S., Evdokimov V. S.
On the dynamic contact problem with two deformable stamps
Bazhenov V. G., Linnik E. Y., Nagornykh E. V., Samsonova D. A.
Numerical modeling of the processes of deformation and buckling of multilayer shells of revolution under combined quasi-static and dynamic axisymmetric loading with torsion
Bauer S. M., Voronkova E. B.
On asymmetrical equilibrium states of annular plates under normal pressure
Volkov I. A., Igumnov L. A., Kostyukov V. E., Prilutsky M. K.
Methodology and features of a computational experiment to assess the resource of responsible engineering facilities
Dzebisashvili G. T., Smirnov A. L., Filippov S. B.
Free vibration frequencies of prismatic thin shells
Kaplunov J. D., Zupancic B., Nikonov A. V.
Asymptotic analysis of the axisymmetric problem for the transverse compression of a thin elastic disk in the case of mixed boundary conditions along its faces
Kudish I. I.
Connectivity in a rough plane and axially symmetric contacts with a special coating
Lekomtsev S. V., Matveenko V. P.
Natural vibration of composite elliptical cylindrical shells filled with fluid
Mikhasev G. I., Le N. D.
On the influence of surface stresses and inertia on the natural low-frequency vibrations of an elastic ultrathin strip-beam
Morozov N. F., Zemtsova E. G., Kudymov V. K., Morozov P. E., Semenov B. N., Yurchuk D. V., Smirnov V. M.
Development of aluminum matrix composite with improved mechanical properties by the directional regulation of the chemical composition of the reinforcing dispersed phase surface
Murashkin E. V., Radayev Y. N.
Two-dimensional Nye figures for hemitropic micropolar elastic solids
Starovoitov E. I., Leonenko D. V.
Forced oscillations of a three-layer plate in an unsteady temperature field
Filippov S. B., Kozlova A. S.
The asymptotic analysis of free vibrations of a cylindrical shell joined with annular plates